Friday, July 25, 2008


We went backpacking to one of my favorite spots over the 4th. We left in a hurry, so I didn't get to borrow Myken's backpack as I normally would. Instead, I was lucky enough to use one of Steve-o and Sherry's from 1970 (give or take abouple of years). I don't know why they didn't believe in padding back then, but they settled for mesh+very pokey wires. We had such a great time and we had the whole lake to ourselves.

Nighttime Party!

Comfy Packs

Drake and Avery


... said...

Whoa! Fancy meeting you guys here. Blogging is what old people do. It is so cool. Backpacking?! That looks so fun. I am half way jealous. Mostly because I love not camping and being cold.

lynn said...

nice, nate doesn't even have to pack his own fly rod.

Kristin said...

Ok what don't you do! Teach me to be more like you Maren, Please ;)