Friday, March 21, 2008

Moab 1/2 Marathon

Myken and I ran the Moab half-marathon a couple of weeks ago. Matt dropped out at the last minute so I was his fill in. We had so much fun down there. It wasn't as warm as last year, but still warm enough. Nate and Matt rode and golfed while Myken and I recovered.


Heidi P said...

Nice going! I wish I looked like that after I ran!

Becca said...

Oh, no big deal. I just filled in for some guy who couldn't run the 13 miles. No biggie.

Becki said...

I know we said this last year, but since we were in AZ that weekend, maybe Jake and I will join you next year.

Amy said...

You guys honestly are my inspiration. Way to go! Maybe one day I can say I ran a 1/2, HELP me for cryin out loud, how do you do it?

Smith Family said...

how do you just "fill in" and run a 1/2 marathon you nut